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Vape Pens vs Dab Rigs: Which is better for THC Oil

Marijuana in the flower plant form has been around for thousands of years. It has been used recreationally and medicinally throughout the many different cultures that exist around the world. In the past 30 years, the race for the highest THC content started and it’s only been increasing exponentially since then.

The THC percentage has been rising because of the advances and efficient cannabis growing methods that we have discovered. Some people have switched their cannabis grow lights while others have changed their soil and moved more towards indoor growing. As growing has been getting bigger, new cannabis products have been sprouting too. One of those are concentrates and waxes.

What Are Wax Concentrates?

Wax or concentrates are a concentrated form of marijuana that consists of much more potent THC. For example, marijuana in the flower form goes up to about 29% THC whereas wax can get potencies percentage levels to upwards of the high 90s. Concentrates are created through different methods and processes and they come in different forms. Some are softer and break apart easier while others are stickier and harder.

What is a DAB Pen?

A dab pen is the perfect portable device that you can use to vaporize your waxes with a simple click of a button. Although using a wax pen can be a bit more complex than using most other smoking devices, it has a very small learning curve. The way it works is actually very easy to understand. It has a battery case where it attaches to an atomizer coil encased in a chamber. Then you have a mouthpiece that goes on top of that.

To load your wax onto your coil, simply use a dabber tool. Dab some wax onto the coil. Coils are usually a flat ceramic dish or a ceramic or titanium rod tied around a steel wire. The ceramic dish or steel wire heats up to melt the wax. It melts it into vapor where you then inhale it from the mouthpiece.


    • Portable: A dab pen has the portability aspect that the dab rig does not. Although you can take the rig out of your house, it is usually glass which makes it riskier. They can easily fall and break and they are pretty bulky. A wax vape can simply be put into your pocket and taken out without being noticed.
    • Easy to Use: Although there is a learning curve to deal with at first, you will get the hang of it very quickly. Simply just dab your dabber and put a bit of wax onto your coil. When you close your mouthpiece, press the power button and inhale the vapor.
    • Discreet: One of the best parts about owning and using a dab pen is the discreet aspect. It’s so small, you can put it in your pocket without it even being noticeable. You can even take it out and use it without anyone around you really noticing.


    • Needs to Charge: Unlike other ways to smoke, you don’t really need to charge anything. With a vaporizer, you need to make sure the batteries are charged and ready to go. Charging can take 1-3 hours and you can generally use it for a couple of days. The bigger the battery, the less discreet it is.
    • Can Malfunction: Although it doesn’t happen so often, vapes are electronic products which means they can mess up. Whether it’s a short circuit wire or you drop it and it breaks, vapes can stop working and it’s definitely not the best feeling.
    • Requires Coils: Coils are the annoying part of a vaporizer. Coils can often burn out depending on which dab pen you have. If you use them too much, you will need to buy back up coils.

What is a Dab Rig?

A dab rig is one of the more intense ways to smoke your concentrates. It’s not only intense because you need a torch but the high it produces is much stronger. A dab rig looks similar to a regular bong but it has a different stem and instead of a bowl, you put a nail or banger. Another difference between using a regular bong compared to this wax water pipe is that with a regular bong, you need to pack the bowl first then light it up. With this, you simply heat it up first with the torch then dab the dabber tool onto your nail or banger.


    • Clean Smoking Experience: One of the aspects of vape is that you use the same coil over and over until it stops working. With a dab rig, you use a torch which heats up the nail a lot. This removes the old resin because of the heat.
    • Intense High: You cannot get an intense hit from any other way of smoking then with a wax bong. The heat mixed with the concentrate gives the best of both worlds.
    • Cool Glass Designs: Vapes have different designs but they generally come in a few different forms. Wax water pipes come in different materials like silicone and glass along with the different designs. Glass blowers like to create intricate designs like microscope rigs, dragons and much more.


    • Price: One of the things that makes people shy away from dab rigs is the price. Prices can vary with them and sometimes they get so expensive, it’s not even worth using it. If the price is too little, the material can be bad too. Bad quality usually means thin glass which can break easier.
    • Can Break: Another disadvantage to having a dab rig is simply for the fact that it can break. Silicone is a great material to help stop this but not everyone likes smoking out of silicone. Glass is the most popular and a simple waist level drop can shatter it.

Which Ones Better?

If you are thinking of getting a dab pen or a dab rig, ask yourself what’s more important? discreet and portability or an intense high and a great smoking experience. Being able to serve the reason you want it for is going to be best for you. At the end of the day, these are both devices that will get the job done well.

Vape Life

20 of the most Amazing Vape Coil Builds

In the vape community, there exists, a sub culture of artists who are building incredible custom vape coils. These highly creative and innovative people showcase their coils on Instagram and Facebook using the Hashtag #CoilPorn. You may have been introduced to Clapton Coils and Alien coil builds, but The vape coils below are like nothing you have ever seen before. The term “Coil Porn” or “Vape Porn” has been given to these intricate works of art because they are so aesthetically pleasing you wont want to look away. In order to appreciate the artistry of these builds, we have created a list of our favorite jaw dropping vape coils. Make sure to Like Vaping Media on Facebook for more custom coil pictures.


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Crazy Build

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Sick Colors

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Rain Drop

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Coil Art 

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Red Hot

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Drop Top

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Drip Shot

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Crazy Build

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Vape Life

What is Vape Nation? All your Questions answered

you may think that “Vape nation” is a friendly community dedicated to vaping enthusiasts. WRONG. Vape nation is a viral comedy sketch produced by the YouTuber H3H3 Productions.

The video parodies the vaping culture, and follows host Ethan Klein as he visits local vape shops in his mission to blow the fattest vape clouds.

The video currently has over 13 million views and is H3H3 productions most popular video for obvious reasons.

This guy clearly doesn’t represent vaping as a whole and this video is made for pure entertainment purposes. I don’t think anyone associates this video with vape culture, But who knows? some people believe everything they see on YouTube. I can hear my Grandmother now talking about how “vape nation is turning our children into drug addicts.”

This video exploded in popularity as soon as it was uploaded. It single-handedly jump started H3H3 Productions YouTube channel, and made Ethan Klein a household name. We can also thank this video for creating the Phrase “Vape Nation”.

Search Interest

The hashtag #VapeNation has over 100 million posts on Instagram and growing. The term is also popular on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit.

Many people in the vape world hate on this guy for giving vapors a bad name, but I salute you Ethan Klein for bringing vaping into the mainstream. Any publicity is good publicity.
Soon after after this video went viral H3H3 released a remix titled “Vape Nash Y’all.”
What do you guys think of Vape Nation? Does it hurt vape culture, or is it just making fun of people who take the vape life to seriously? Let us know in the comments below.

Vape Life

20 Amazing & Unique Custom Box Mods

Mag Mod

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Black & Red

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Looks Cold

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Great Combo

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Black & Grey

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Galaxy Mod

Amazing Galaxy Box Mod 💨 What do you guys think? Check out | LINK IN BIO Via: @aninolokal

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Clock Work

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Darth Vader

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Murdered Out


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Danger High Voltage

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Vape Life

Vaping Alcohol: A dangerous new way to get drunk

If you’ve been follow trends online recently you may have noticed that people have given up drinking booze and started vaping it. That’s right the hot new trend among frat bros, and popular media websites like BuzzFeed, and vice is vaping alcohol.  For a while I have been interested in this new degenerate way of getting wasted especially after watching the video above. YouTube user Scam School shows you just how easy it is to get drunk without taking a sip of alcohol. Apparently all you need to vaporize booze is a plastic bottle and a bicycle pump with a cork attached. It seems like an easy way to get hammered without spending a lot of money right? Let’s look at the history and the potential dangers of vaping alcohol. Its amazing what people will do just to get drunk.

There has been many trends throughout the years of ways to get wasted. Some people like to shotgun a beer, make a champagne enema, or even pour shots into their eye sockets.  And this latest trend of smoking alcohol just seems like another trend that will die out.

In 2004, the public became aware of the dangers of vaping alcohol when an AWOL (Alcohol without Liquid) device, hit the market, but it was quickly banned in the United States. Vaping alcohol however has not completely died out, and we are now seeing a re-emergence of this dangerous trend. New alcohol vaping products are becoming available to the public like the Vaportini, which is legally sold in 50 states. The site boasts: “This has the advantage of no calories; no carbs, no impurities and the effects of consuming alcohol are immediately felt, making it easier to responsibly imbibe.”

The Vaportini is available to buy all across the United States and is legal according to its creators

The device cost $35 dollars and was available online. The product heats up alcohol into a mist which is then inhaled. The product allows alcohol to be ingested directly into the bloodstream through the lungs, which could have some potentially dangerous side effects.

Dr. Thomas Greenfield, Center Director at the National Alcohol Research Center in Emeryville, California said “It is ill advised for experimentation among those under 21.”  Dr. Greenfield warned of the risks involved with this method of consuming alcohol. “To my knowledge there have been no human studies on the effects inhaling alcohol”.

When alcohol vapor is inhaled through the lungs, it goes straight to the blood stream and the brain, getting the individual drunk very quickly.  Since the alcohol bypasses the stomach, liver, and small intestine it doesn’t lose any potency and can become a very dangerous method of ingesting alcohol.

“When you inhale alcohol right into the lung tissue, it gets drawn right into the blood supply immediately, so it’s a very rapid onset of the intoxicating effect, and has obviously very high abuse potential,” said Robert Walker of the University of Kentucky Center on Drugs and Alcohol Research to the New York Times.

The process of inhaling alcohol into the lungs could potentially be quite irritating, leading to a drying effect of the respiratory tract passages and nasal lining. This drying effect of the alcohol could predispose individuals to a higher risk of lung infections such as pneumonia, or pneumonitis- an inflammatory condition in the lung. Many people has described an extreme pain in the lungs and nausea from vaping alcohol. One Vice reporter said that vaporizing booze made it feel like her lungs were bleeding.

Risk / dangers of smoking alcohol

  1. Alcohol is poisonous to your lungs and nasal passages
  2. You Can get alcohol poisoning easier because your body can not expel excess alcohol because it is directly vaporized into the blood stream. (you cant throw up which is your body’s way of preventing overdose)
  3. Vaping alcohol increases the risk of addiction and abuse
  4. It is Harder to control the amount of alcohol you consume when you inhale it

This trend it currently gaining traction, and not just with college kids and curious risk takers. It’s becoming popular among people who are trying to lose weight but still want to enjoy alcohol without all the empty calories.

Fox’s KCTV covered the trend and interviewed a North Texas man, Broderic Allen, who says he lost 80 Lbs after he stopped drinking and started smoking alcohol to keep the weight off.

What ever happened to just taking shots? People are going to extreme lengths to stay skinny and still enjoy an alcoholic beverage. If you are serious about getting healthier and losing weight maybe you should just cut out alcohol all together.

Their is no real way to tell how popular this trend is becoming because there are no current studies tracking cases. But like other fads, videos of people vaping alcohol have increasingly popped up online.

Popular media websites like BuzzFeed, and Vice have also jumped on this trend, making videos and writing articles about their experiences while smoking alcohol. The problem is these sites glamorize vaping alcohol and their impressionable young audience could see this and want to try it themselves. BuzzFeed however is not responsible for what their audience says or does. It should be the parents job to discuss with their children the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse.

Vaping alcohol is a very stupid, and dangerous trend. We advise you not to try this at home because the risky side effects outweigh the benefits.

Even though there are no published scientific studies on the negative effects of smoking alcohol, the potential for harm, based on how to the vaporized alcohol enters the body is concerning. I suggest no one try this for themselves because of the significant dangers associated with this activity.

Vape Life

Vaping in the Media: A look into the Popularity of the Vape Life

There is no doubt that Vaping is growing in popularity. From Hollywood movies, TV shows, Music videos, vaping is becoming more common in the media.

Vaping sales have skyrocketed in the last couple years, while the smoking of traditional cigarettes has plummeted. This is a good start for the vaping industry but many people are still hesitant to make the switch. Many people believe that vaping in the media is influencing people to start using electronic cigarettes. We believe that the rise of vaping in pop culture is showing the public that it is a healthier alternative to smoking and is more socially acceptable then cigarettes.

To show how prominent vaping is in American culture we have created a list of some appearances of vaping in the media.


Many people don’t like to admit that celebrities play a huge role in influencing trends and culture. Being a celebrity means your life is an open book for anyone to read. Their careers are based around getting attention, and whenever one of those celebrities is pictured vaping the public goes crazy.

The most talked about celebrity who vapes to date has been Leonardo DiCaprio. Leo’s Vape setup has become more constant at his side than any of his super model girlfriends. At the 22nd annual screen Actors Guild Awards all eyes were on DiCaprio when he started puffing on his vape pen.    Leo VapeThe American Lung Association has called DiCaprio’s Action “Deeply troubling” even though vaping has been shown to Be less harmful then smoking traditional cigarettes. We salute Leo and how he continues to be a pioneer in the vape world.

Movie: The Tourist

In the 2010 movie the tourist Johnny Depp’s character “Frank Tupelo” is using an electronic cigarette when he meets Angelina Jolies character “Chiara Manzoni”. This is one of the first and most iconic vaping scenes in a major movie, and really showed people how popular vaping has become.
In the clip it looks like Depp is using a classic electronic cigarette you can find at most gas stations. Whats even more appropriate about this scene is that Johnny Depp vapes in his personal life also. Looks like he uses a box mod with a sub-ohm tank.


Talk Shows

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

This clip from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is a little outdated, and Colbert’s knowledge on vaping is not very sophisticated. He rips on vaping pretty hard but it is very entertaining. Something that you should take away from this monologue is that recent polls show”about 10 percent of U.S adults now vape..”

The late show with David Letterman

During an interview on the Late Show with David Letterman, Katherine Heigl talks about her struggle with quitting cigarettes and takes a hit from a vape pen mid interview.  She then passes the pen to David Letterman who takes a few puffs. The interview itself is painfully awkward, but they do educate people on the benefits of vaping.

The News

The FDA’s new vaping regulations

The U.S Food and Drug administration (FDA) has implemented new vaping regulations that went into effect on August 8th, 2016 that could potentially harm the industry.

Man aiming vape mod killed by police

El Cajon Police department released footage showing the death of Alfred Olango at the hands of officers for pulling out his vape mod and aiming at them. The video shows officer Richard Gonsalves firing four shots at Alfred Olango, and another officer deploying a Taser.

Music Videos

Lilly Allen – Hard out Here

50 Cent – I’m the man ft Chris brown

Reviews Vape Life

Top 10 Strangest E-Juice Flavors

The vaping industry is estimated to be a $4-billion dollar business in the U.S. According to Wells Fargo analyst’s that number is projected to reach $10 billion annually by 2017. In 2014 oxford dictionaries had chosen “Vape” as the word of the year. There is no question that the vape industry is booming and we don’t see vaping’s popularity dying out anytime soon.

Much of the appeal surrounded by vaping is the E-Liquid used to create the vapor. In the Vaping world, traditional E-juice flavors such as menthol and watermelon appeal to a wide range of vapors. It’s those obscure vape liquid flavors that really get people talking. We have put together a list of the top 10 strangest E-Juice flavors on the market. Some sound delicious and others are downright disgusting. Let us know which one is your favorite.



To start of the list we picked bacon flavored e-juice. A number of companies make bacon flavored E-liquid which makes us think is their that big of a demand for it. Many people say it tastes like you licked a frying pan after cooking bacon. Others say it tastes like burnt leather mixed with bacon fat.  If you really love bacon give it a try. Bacon

Nacho Cheese


Who doesn’t like eating nachos?  Now you can get that same cheesy flavor without actually eating anything. We describe the flavor as a cheesy throw up mixed with burnt popcorn. It tastes like if Cool ranch Doritos and menthol had a baby. This is not something that humans should consume. Give it a try. Nacho Cheese

Hot dog

Hot dog

Just because there’s food doesn’t mean it should be turned into an E-juice flavor. It tastes like dog food and it smells even worse. I had to stick my head in a trash can just for relief after vaping this. Maybe mixing it with ketchup would make it taste better. But seriously this juice tastes like the end of the world. Don’t try it. Hangsen’s Hot Dog E-juice

Red Bull

Red Bull

This is the first E-juice flavor on this list that we actually enjoyed. I’m a big fan of RedBull and I can honestly say that this juice tastes almost identical to the drink.  Imagine RedBull only sweeter, with a citrus after taste. It has a strong energy drink vibe to it. If you like RedBull then you will love this E-juice.  We highly recommend you try it. RedBull

Birthday Cake

birthday cake

This is another E-juice flavor that we enjoyed. This is a very sweet E-juice with a hint of candy. It tastes a little like cake frosting, however it’s missing something to make it taste exactly like birthday cake. It has an amazing after taste and you should try it. Birthday Cake



I’m not much of a coffee drinker and this E-juice flavor makes me never want to drink coffee again. It does have a very rich coffee flavor I will give it that. It however tastes like a coffee that you left in your car overnight. It has a meaty aftertaste like smoked salmon or a white fish. I’ve never eaten deer, but I assume this is what deer tastes like. Espresso 



Just like most Americans I love beer, so I was very excited when I saw this beer flavored E-juice. Have You ever left a beer can in the sun for a day? That is what this juice smells like. It initially tastes like grape or some other fruit and then leaves you with a beer after taste. The clouds leave the area you where vaping in smell like an old dive bar. It’s a unique taste but I personally don’t like it. Stick to drinking it not vaping it. Beer 



Do you like butter? I was originally very skeptical of this flavor because the Chemical Diacetyl is used in many butter flavorings, and has been linked to certain lung diseases primarily popcorn lung. I decided to give it a taste anyway. First impression It smells awful. It smells like butter mixed with dirty diapers. It definatly tastes like butter but not in a good way. It leaves you with an awful dry bitter taste in your mouth that just won’t leave. It’s like vaping celery with old butter all over it. This juice is disgusting DO NOT TRY IT. Butter

Fruit Loops Cereal

froot loops

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so why not start your morning off with E-juice that tastes like your favorite bowl of cereal.  This juice is very delicious. It tastes like a mixture of different fruits, and a lot like fruity pebbles. This is #2 on the list because it is one of our favorite juices. Give it a try. Fruit loops

Crab Legs


Why? That’s all I can say. Why would anyone ever make a crab leg flavored E-juice. It has a very strong seafood smell, like your walking through a fish market on a hot, humid day. This juice is terrible tasting but what do you expect with a crab leg flavored E-juice. It definitely tastes like seafood. Like week old shellfish. Honestly however its not as throw up in your mouth bad as you would expect. Just imagine eating an ashtray then biting into a crab leg. Maybe if we mixed it with the butter flavored E-juice on this list it would taste better. DO NOT BUY THIS JUICE. Crab legs 

Vape Life

30 Best Vape Memes of 2020

This is a list of the top 30 greatest Vaping Memes of All time. We spent long hours creating this list, and narrowing down only 30 of our favorite Vaping memes.  If you think we missed any or want to add one to the list leave a comment and let us know.

Just rebuilt my dripper


When I put in a charged batter


Out of E-juice?


When Smoke Tricks go wrong


We vape on this website

vape meme 56778

Girls love guys who vape


 Dating someone who vapes


Vape Life


Sub-OHM vaping is cool they said


Their goes my paycheck on a new Mod


Their’s never enough Juice


Always a good time to vape


When you make eye contact with someone vaping


Mind Blown


We have all been there

meme 34345

When you pick up a new Juice

meme 3434

When you take a dry hit

meme 3

Join the resistance


Vaper selfie


I love vape


Most interesting Vaper in the world


Vape clouds are always in the way


When people ask to try your juice


Game of OHMS


When people lecture you about vaping




Great feeling


Live long and vape on


Please shut up


Girls love guys who can blow Vapenados


Home Page Vape Life

Eliza Taylor looks super Hot Vaping


Eliza Jane Taylor-Cotter often credited as Eliza Taylor is a 26 year old Australian actress who is best know for her role as Janae Timmins in the Australian Soap opera Neighbors, and for her lead role as Clarke Griffin in the CW serious the 100. She also appeared in the film The November Man as Sarah.  Her acting career has just started to take off so she has been a hot topic in entertainment.  She has proven herself to be one of the sexiest women in movies and TV. So in honor of one of the most popular up and coming ladies in Hollywood, here is a gallery of the Hottest Eliza Taylor pictures.

Eliza Taylor is growing in popularity, and Like all celebrities she is constantly getting her picture taken. So when a paparazzi snapped a picture of her vaping the world went nuts.

Instagram: @ElizaJaneFace

Twitter responds

So people seem to agree that Eliza Taylor Vaping is the hottest thing ever.  Vaping already gets a bad Rep for being Douchy but these pictures of Eliza Taylor Vaping is a huge victory for the Vaping community. I think Vaping became a little less lame after seeing these pics.  Make sure to share this on Facebook and Twitter and comment what you think of Eliza Taylor Vaping.

Check out Eliza Taylor on social Media

Instagram: @ElizaJaneFace

Twitter: @MisElizaJane


IMDb – Eliza Taylor

Vape Life

35 Celebrities you didn’t know Vape

With vaping growing in popularity, more and more celebrities are using electronic cigarettes. Leonardo Dicaprio, katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, and many more celebrities have all been seen vaping. So in honor of the vaping trend in Hollywood we have created the largest picture database on the internet of celebrities vaping.

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