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Are Vape Shops Essential Businesses During the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Around the world, countries are all dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic in their own way. Still, one strategy is fairly standard, with non-essential businesses being shut down and social distancing a large part of the prevention of the spread of Covid-19.

It’s the definition of essential businesses that are proving to be the tricky part in the United States, with many vape shops being left out in the cold. It’s not just in the US either that vape shops feel that they’ve been excluded during the pandemic.

As you look through different country’s definitions of essential businesses, it’s easy to spot a pattern developing regarding what’s been deemed essential and what’s deemed non-essential. Of course, all medical and health services are deemed essentials. Then you have critical services such as sewerage, food services (delivery and take away only), power, water, and mail. It’s the next list of businesses that it seems to start getting a bit shaky.

Bars and clubs are mostly closed, but open for people to walk in and order takeaways. Most liquor stores and convenience stores are open, and also cannabis dispensaries. Obviously, if you can still buy cannabis, alcohol, beer, and cigarettes, you would assume that vape stores would also be included for taking away orders.

This is where things get a bit confusing. Almost every country and state have deemed vape shops as non-essential. It’s confusing for vape shops that are now forced to close their doors completely while they watch other shops such as tobacco, liquor, and cannabis stores continue to operate only next door in some circumstances.

Italy and France initially closed all vape shops while leaving cigarette shops open for business. After the hypocrisy of this was pointed out and vapers lobbied that more vapers would turn back to tobacco, they switched their stance and allowed vape shops to remain open. The UK was initially on the fence about vape shops, with them not declared either essential or non-essential. Still, after lobbying about having them deemed necessary, the UK government classified them as non-essential and forced them to close except for online deliveries.

Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association (CASAA) has started a movement #EssentialToUs to have vape shops reasonably classified as ‘essential businesses’ alongside tobacco shops and liquor stores. Vape shops, like many other essential businesses, could just as quickly implement all social distancing requirements while also offering curbside pickups and online deliveries. However, not all states across the US allow for vaping products to be delivered or purchased online, which makes it that much harder for vape shops to switch from brick and mortar stores to online ordering.

Should Vape Shops Be Classified Essential Businesses? Conclusion

When you consider many of the other businesses deemed as essential, it’s hard for many vape shops to be considered non-essential alongside liquor stores, convenience stores, tobacco stores, and cannabis stores. Do you think that vape shops should be considered essential or non-essential businesses? We’d love to hear your thoughts.

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Mechanical Mods: A Complete Guide

Mechanical mods are customizable vaporizers that are extremely powerful and allow vapers to modify their vaporizer to suit their particular requirements. While they may sound like an attractive option, are mechanical mods the best vaporizer for you?

Mech mods are unregulated vaporizers without any internal circuits or chips and are powered directly off the battery. If you press the firing button on a mech mod, it completes the circuit and sends continuous current to the atomizer or coil from the battery, and it will continue to do until the circuit is broken.

There are no internal safety cutouts on a mech mod, which means that they won’t cutout after 10-seconds as most regulated mods will. The cutout is an integral part of ensuring that your vaporizer doesn’t overheat accidentally.

If you enjoy building your coils and atomizers and have a strong understanding of Ohm’s law, then mechanical mods may be perfect for you. If you’re new to vaping, then a regulated sub-ohm mod may be better suited to your needs.

To help you decide if a mech mod is what you’re looking for, let’s take a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of mechanical mods!

Advantages of mechanical mods:

  • Reliability – Because they contain no circuits, screens, or chips, mech mods are incredibly reliable with no electronic components to malfunction.
  • Durable – Mechanical mods are much more durable than other mods because of their simple yet sturdy design.
  • Easy to fix – Most regulated mods are almost impossible to fix once they break, but mech mods, on the other hand, have a simple design that’s easy to diagnose and repair if needed.
  • Powerful – Mech mods are extremely powerful and only limited by the creativity and skill of the person making them.
  • Customizable – Mech mods provide an excellent platform for people to build coils that can produce vast amounts of vapor.

Disadvantages of mechanical mods:

  • Risky – If you don’t understand what you’re doing when you’re making your mechanical mod, it could result in the device overheating, catching on fire, or exploding.
  • No safety devices – There are no back-up safety devices with mechanical mods if something fails. There are no circuit breakers, cutouts, or chips, which will prevent the device from continuously firing.
  • Higher initial cost – It’s going to cost you more to get started building your mech mod, but ongoing costs are lower than regulated sub-ohm mods.
  • Excessive battery usage – Regulated mods are designed to save battery power and extend the time between charges, but mech mods are battery hogs and will drain batteries quickly, especially if you’re using low resistance coils.
  • Cleaning – Mech mods are going to require a little tender love and care, which includes regular cleaning because they’re more prone to getting e-liquid inside them than regulated sub-ohm mods.

Mechanical mods conclusion

If you’re experienced, understand Ohm’s law and enjoy chasing clouds and building your coils, then mechanical mods could be just what you’re looking for. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a consistent sub-ohm vaporizer that doesn’t require a lot of attention, then a regulated sub-ohm mod may be better suited to your needs.

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New Cannabis Tech Boosting Industry and Providing A Better User Experience

Vaping has become insanely popular in recent years, especially when it comes to cannabis, but the technology dates to ancient times. Ancient Egyptians used to place herbs, oils, and seeds on hot stones then inhale the vapors that were produced. Thankfully, today we have the technology so that we don’t have to keep hot stones nearby. In fact, today’s vaporizers are creating a new market for the cannabis industry and consumers are buying.

In 2018, a report by BDS Analytics and Arcview Market Research estimated that up to 60% of all concentrate sales will be for pre-filled vape pen cartridges. That number is expected to be higher in Colorado, as much as 86%, and as much as 71% in California. More and more, consumers are turning towards cannabis oil cartridges.

Cannabis and Vaping Industry

This explosive growth means one thing: The industry is investing a lot of money into improving their vaporizers. Like with computers, it seems that the vaping industry is evolving its technology every 18 to 24 months, trying to deliver to consumers the tech they want and the performance that they need.

Not only that, but the oil is evolving as well as science catches up with the plant. Producers are working on creating oils with varying levels of both CBD and THC as well as gincorporating flavors into the mix.

While you can utilize a regular vape mod or pen with cannabis oil cartridges, THC and CBD oils have a different viscosity than nicotine and regular vaping oils. Using a nicotine vape pen for a thicker oil can burn out coils quicker as well as gunk up the system. This means that the industry is turning to portable vaporizers especially produced to handle cannabis oils where the more THC, the thicker the oil.

Since vaporizing the dry herb releases those cannabinoids without burning it and producing carcinogens, dry herb vaporizers have also become a popular method of consuming cannabis. Popular and more discreet, since vaporization produces less of that familiar cannabis smell.

Vaping Devices for Cannabis Oil

When it comes to vaporizing cannabis flower or cannabis oil, a consumer has a few choices. Many companies have made devices geared towards either cannabis oil, cannabis concentrates, or dry flower. Some manufacturers, such as Pax, have come out with all-in-one devices that can handle flower, oil, and wax with a simple change of atomizer or cartridge.

Many vape pens come with pre-filled, disposable cartridges. Some do offer refillable cartridges as well. Trying the many different kinds of oils and flavors available can help you to determine the kind that’s right for you as well as determining what type of vaporizer that you’ll need.

Also, remember that vaporizing cannabis flower or oil can provide a vastly different experience than smoking dry flower in the traditional way. For some, it provides a more potent experience using less material. It also takes effect faster. The exact effects will also depend on whether your cannabis strain or oil has more THC vs. more CBD.

If you do decide to go with a traditional mod, make sure that it has temperature control available. THC and CBD is best when vaporized at very specific temperatures. If you also use that mod for vape juice, make sure you have a separate atomizer or tank for your cannabis oil. This will prevent mixing of flavors and chemicals from the different oils.

In the end, vaporizing cannabis is a growing trend among cannabis consumers. Technology is being driven to keep up with consumer demands, so look out in the future for more technology to hit the vaping industry that is specific to cannabis consumers needs.

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17 Amazing Custom Tube Mods


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Black & Red

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Extendo Clip

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Nice Collection

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Batman Mod

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Pick One

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Black on Black

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Stock Pile

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Amazing Edit

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Mod Organizer

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Black & White

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Mech Mod

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10 Unspoken Rules of Vaping Etiquette

Is there an etiquette to vaping? Yes! Vaping, unfortunately, does have a bad reputation for some people. Some of that bad reputation comes from the actions of bad vapers. Even people who were polite smokers can pick up some bad habits about vaping that tarnish the practice.

Worry not! We’re going to show you some unspoken rules of vaping etiquette that you should be following. Some of these are unspoken because they should be obvious. Others are good practices for vapers to spread awareness to others about the benefits of vaping and how it is different from smoking. Here they are:

Don’t blow vapor into people’s faces

Yes, it’s just water vapor, but people do not like having it blown into their face. Sadly, some uncouth people use this as a demonstration to prove they’re not smoking. Direct your vapor just like you would cigarette smoke, away from others. Even other vapers wouldn’t appreciate this!

Don’t stealth vape

Some vapers try to steal a  puff wherever they can, even in places where it is banned. They rationalize it with the water vapor argument. But if vaping is going to get accepted everywhere, we have to follow the rules that are in place now. Don’t sneak puffs where it’s not allowed.

Avoid vaping near children

Most parents don’t like smoke near their children. Vaping may be safer, but try telling that to a parent who doesn’t know anything about vaping? Best to avoid vaping near children, not just for calming the parents but to keep them from getting curious about vaping before it’s legal for them to vape.

Avoid vaping when Eating

Besides the obvious obnoxiousness to others of trying to eat in a cloud, the taste of the e-juice can adversely affect the taste of a meal.  Even if you can find a restaurant that still has a smoking section, water vapor is heavier than cigarette smoke and is more likely to cling around other patrons in the restaurant. Keep your secret e-juice/food combinations for your home meals.

Don’t use another’s vaporizer without asking first

Would you put your lips around someone else’s cigar without asking? Why would you do it with a vaporizer? Sadly, some people will try to do this to experience as many flavors as they can. It’s not cool. Non-vapers may even try to do this just to get the experience! If you really want to try someone’s vaporizer, ask first and accept the answer.

Don’t be a snob

Some people use vaping as a status symbol. They have to have the latest vaporizers, flavors, whatever. Nothing wrong with pursuing the best, but it shouldn’t be used as an excuse to look down on other vapers. Not everyone has a huge budget or the knowledge to sub-ohm down to ridiculous levels. Focus on the enjoyment of vaping, not on the fanciness of your vaporizer.

Don’t criticize cigarette smokers

Vaping may have many benefits over smoking, but that doesn’t give you an excuse to criticize smokers, especially if you vape to get nicotine. Vapers and smokers have to share the same spaces. Let their curiosity bring them over to vaping, not complaints about their smoke or comments about the superiority of vaping.

Avoid cloud chasing if half of your group are non-vapers

Going along with being polite to smokers and those you’re vaping with, keep cloud chasing within your vaping circle. Cloud chasing is the sport of trying to make extremely large clouds or manipulating the vapor to make shapes and ripples. It’s fun, but it creates a large amount of vapor which can offend other people in the area. It can be fun to show off, but keep it to people who will appreciate it.

Avoid conflicting with people who are opposed to vaping

Vapers are the new kids on the block. Until more people get educated about vaping, we can expect to get a certain level of harassment. If someone politely asks you to put your vape kit away, find another place to vape. It may be annoying in the short term, but people will get a better appreciation for the vaping crowd as a whole over time if we can avoid conflicts.

Inform and educate people about vaping

And finally, one positive thing! Keeping the above in mind, if people are interested in your vape kit, do your best to educate them about it. Vaping kits are still not exactly common, so it’s up to you as an early adopter to spread the word about the benefits of vaping over smoking. It’s a great way to expand vaping culture into the mainstream.

These are all simple things we can do to improve the image of vaping and vape culture. If we follow these rules, acceptance of our hobby will rise. And that’s good for everyone involved.

Vape Life

Vaper’s Tongue! What is that?

So you finally found that perfect flavor or E-juice. Finding the perfect flavor has helped you switch from smoking to vaping. After years of trying to stop smoking, you’ve found a way. You’re telling everyone you know about your success!

Nothing can take you back to cigarettes now that you’ve found that perfect taste. You’ve tried different flavors and this one fits you perfectly. Now you’re obsessed with it, constantly humidifying the world with your favorite flavor of the perfect combination of peach – tangerine unicorn e-liquid. Or bubble gum rainbow cookie sprinkles.

Everything is going perfect until suddenly your favorite E-juice starts tasting like dry sand. E-gads! It’s the dreaded Vaper’s Tongue! What is that? Relax, the honeymoon isn’t over. It’s not the end of the world, and you don’t have to go back to smoking.

While you’ve found “that” flavor you and your tongue enjoy, your taste buds, and your tongue simply suffer from fatigue and are giving up. You’re experiencing dry mouth, cotton-mouth, or what vapers call “Vaper’s Tongue“.

Things to know

Medications, a simple cold or even a sinus infection (or anything else) could also alter the taste of your e-liquid. Don’t give up on your journey. Vaper’s Tongue is not the end of the world. There are things you can do to make your tongue happier along the way.

Drink some water.

Drinking water is helpful. Don’t forget to hydrate. Water is life, and your tongue and taste buds will thank you for it.

Switch flavors.

Try switching flavors for a day. Find yourself another favorite flavor or three. I know your nectarine-toffee is the perfect combination, but after being inundated by the same thing for days on end, your taste buds beg to differ. Find an alternate flavor (even if it’s just for a day) and combine that with hydration. It just may do wonders for your tongue.

Change your top.

A fresh top is a happy top, and a fresh tongue is a happy tongue. It could also be that you’ve vaped the life out of your top. You could also simply brush your teeth and tongue.

Exercise that Vaper’s Tongue

Another suggestion is doing simple tongue exercises to alleviate Vaper’s Tongue. You can start with phone calls and talking to your local congressional representatives about the Cole-Bishop Amendment, HR1136.

You could ask your local or national health “representative” why they are withholding information from the general public.

Don’t get your tongue twisted in a knot. Talk to other vapers. Talk to smokers. Talk to everyone. Don’t allow the government to give you a different type of Vaper’s Tongue. A silent tongue is an obedient tongue. Every day, your communication skills are essential to keeping yourself from catching Vaper’s Tongue.

Vape Life

20 of the most Amazing Vape Coil Builds

In the vape community, there exists, a sub culture of artists who are building incredible custom vape coils. These highly creative and innovative people showcase their coils on Instagram and Facebook using the Hashtag #CoilPorn. You may have been introduced to Clapton Coils and Alien coil builds, but The vape coils below are like nothing you have ever seen before. The term “Coil Porn” or “Vape Porn” has been given to these intricate works of art because they are so aesthetically pleasing you wont want to look away. In order to appreciate the artistry of these builds, we have created a list of our favorite jaw dropping vape coils. Make sure to Like Vaping Media on Facebook for more custom coil pictures.


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Crazy Build

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Sick Colors

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Rain Drop

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Coil Art 

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Red Hot

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Drop Top

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Drip Shot

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Crazy Build

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Vape Life

What is Vape Nation? All your Questions answered

you may think that “Vape nation” is a friendly community dedicated to vaping enthusiasts. WRONG. Vape nation is a viral comedy sketch produced by the YouTuber H3H3 Productions.

The video parodies the vaping culture, and follows host Ethan Klein as he visits local vape shops in his mission to blow the fattest vape clouds.

The video currently has over 13 million views and is H3H3 productions most popular video for obvious reasons.

This guy clearly doesn’t represent vaping as a whole and this video is made for pure entertainment purposes. I don’t think anyone associates this video with vape culture, But who knows? some people believe everything they see on YouTube. I can hear my Grandmother now talking about how “vape nation is turning our children into drug addicts.”

This video exploded in popularity as soon as it was uploaded. It single-handedly jump started H3H3 Productions YouTube channel, and made Ethan Klein a household name. We can also thank this video for creating the Phrase “Vape Nation”.

Search Interest

The hashtag #VapeNation has over 100 million posts on Instagram and growing. The term is also popular on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit.

Many people in the vape world hate on this guy for giving vapors a bad name, but I salute you Ethan Klein for bringing vaping into the mainstream. Any publicity is good publicity.
Soon after after this video went viral H3H3 released a remix titled “Vape Nash Y’all.”
What do you guys think of Vape Nation? Does it hurt vape culture, or is it just making fun of people who take the vape life to seriously? Let us know in the comments below.

Vape Life

20 Amazing & Unique Custom Box Mods

Mag Mod

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Black & Red

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Looks Cold

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Great Combo

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Black & Grey

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Galaxy Mod

Amazing Galaxy Box Mod 💨 What do you guys think? Check out | LINK IN BIO Via: @aninolokal

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Clock Work

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Darth Vader

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Murdered Out


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Danger High Voltage

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Vape Life

Vaping Alcohol: A dangerous new way to get drunk

If you’ve been follow trends online recently you may have noticed that people have given up drinking booze and started vaping it. That’s right the hot new trend among frat bros, and popular media websites like BuzzFeed, and vice is vaping alcohol.  For a while I have been interested in this new degenerate way of getting wasted especially after watching the video above. YouTube user Scam School shows you just how easy it is to get drunk without taking a sip of alcohol. Apparently all you need to vaporize booze is a plastic bottle and a bicycle pump with a cork attached. It seems like an easy way to get hammered without spending a lot of money right? Let’s look at the history and the potential dangers of vaping alcohol. Its amazing what people will do just to get drunk.

There has been many trends throughout the years of ways to get wasted. Some people like to shotgun a beer, make a champagne enema, or even pour shots into their eye sockets.  And this latest trend of smoking alcohol just seems like another trend that will die out.

In 2004, the public became aware of the dangers of vaping alcohol when an AWOL (Alcohol without Liquid) device, hit the market, but it was quickly banned in the United States. Vaping alcohol however has not completely died out, and we are now seeing a re-emergence of this dangerous trend. New alcohol vaping products are becoming available to the public like the Vaportini, which is legally sold in 50 states. The site boasts: “This has the advantage of no calories; no carbs, no impurities and the effects of consuming alcohol are immediately felt, making it easier to responsibly imbibe.”

The Vaportini is available to buy all across the United States and is legal according to its creators

The device cost $35 dollars and was available online. The product heats up alcohol into a mist which is then inhaled. The product allows alcohol to be ingested directly into the bloodstream through the lungs, which could have some potentially dangerous side effects.

Dr. Thomas Greenfield, Center Director at the National Alcohol Research Center in Emeryville, California said “It is ill advised for experimentation among those under 21.”  Dr. Greenfield warned of the risks involved with this method of consuming alcohol. “To my knowledge there have been no human studies on the effects inhaling alcohol”.

When alcohol vapor is inhaled through the lungs, it goes straight to the blood stream and the brain, getting the individual drunk very quickly.  Since the alcohol bypasses the stomach, liver, and small intestine it doesn’t lose any potency and can become a very dangerous method of ingesting alcohol.

“When you inhale alcohol right into the lung tissue, it gets drawn right into the blood supply immediately, so it’s a very rapid onset of the intoxicating effect, and has obviously very high abuse potential,” said Robert Walker of the University of Kentucky Center on Drugs and Alcohol Research to the New York Times.

The process of inhaling alcohol into the lungs could potentially be quite irritating, leading to a drying effect of the respiratory tract passages and nasal lining. This drying effect of the alcohol could predispose individuals to a higher risk of lung infections such as pneumonia, or pneumonitis- an inflammatory condition in the lung. Many people has described an extreme pain in the lungs and nausea from vaping alcohol. One Vice reporter said that vaporizing booze made it feel like her lungs were bleeding.

Risk / dangers of smoking alcohol

  1. Alcohol is poisonous to your lungs and nasal passages
  2. You Can get alcohol poisoning easier because your body can not expel excess alcohol because it is directly vaporized into the blood stream. (you cant throw up which is your body’s way of preventing overdose)
  3. Vaping alcohol increases the risk of addiction and abuse
  4. It is Harder to control the amount of alcohol you consume when you inhale it

This trend it currently gaining traction, and not just with college kids and curious risk takers. It’s becoming popular among people who are trying to lose weight but still want to enjoy alcohol without all the empty calories.

Fox’s KCTV covered the trend and interviewed a North Texas man, Broderic Allen, who says he lost 80 Lbs after he stopped drinking and started smoking alcohol to keep the weight off.

What ever happened to just taking shots? People are going to extreme lengths to stay skinny and still enjoy an alcoholic beverage. If you are serious about getting healthier and losing weight maybe you should just cut out alcohol all together.

Their is no real way to tell how popular this trend is becoming because there are no current studies tracking cases. But like other fads, videos of people vaping alcohol have increasingly popped up online.

Popular media websites like BuzzFeed, and Vice have also jumped on this trend, making videos and writing articles about their experiences while smoking alcohol. The problem is these sites glamorize vaping alcohol and their impressionable young audience could see this and want to try it themselves. BuzzFeed however is not responsible for what their audience says or does. It should be the parents job to discuss with their children the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse.

Vaping alcohol is a very stupid, and dangerous trend. We advise you not to try this at home because the risky side effects outweigh the benefits.

Even though there are no published scientific studies on the negative effects of smoking alcohol, the potential for harm, based on how to the vaporized alcohol enters the body is concerning. I suggest no one try this for themselves because of the significant dangers associated with this activity.