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Top 5 Best Vape Apps of 2020

To help you get your 2020 off to the right start, we have the top five vaping apps right here! We have done the hard work for you by selecting a mix of both iPhone apps and Android apps that are perfect for vapers everywhere. Some of the criteria we were looking for when we chose these apps were functionality, ease of use, and user feedback. Enough from us, let’s check out the top five apps and why they made the list!


It’s because Facebook and YouTube started cracking down on vaping content that Vaffle was born in the year 2018. Since then, Vaffle has only continued to grow in popularity as more people turn away from other video sharing apps. Vaffle is available on both the Google Play Store and App Store. It’s like a vaping oriented version of Instagram with a little bit of Facebook mixed in. The app has some other cool features, including vape calculator, e-liquid app, diary, and a large number of vapers that just love vaping. There’s no other app on this list as unique as Vaffle. Vapers can redeem vape devices for fee with a Vaffle membership. We suggest you check this app out.

Smoke Free

This app is more science-based rather than social media-based and is designed to help people quit smoking. It has over twenty different techniques that will help you manage your cravings and quit smoking traditional cigarettes. If you have been trying to quit smoking traditional cigarettes, then perhaps this app and vaping could help you out

OHM’s Law

If you love vaping and are getting interested in building your own coils and deep-diving into vape DIY, then Ohm’s Law is the perfect app for you. It’s available for both Android and iPhone users and covers heaps of information about ohm’s law and resistance. The simplicity and design of the app make it easy to calculate voltage, wattage, current, resistance, and power. If you love making and building your own coils, then this app is for you!

E Liquid Calculator

If you’re heavy into DIY and vaping, then this app is for you. It allows you to mix up different E-liquid creations using there reactive, and responsive E-liquid calculator. You can adjust settings to customize your own liquid, including base, flavors, and strength. You can also store your personal recipes using whatever criteria you want. Ready to mix a batch?

Vape Geek

One of the benefits of the Vape Geek app is that it comes with an advanced coil calculator. There are a variety of different options, including Simple, Twisted, Clapton, and Staggered Clapton options to create your own DIY coils. The Vape Geek app will allow you to calculate even the most complicated aspects of coil building parameters. The coils then save automatically, so if you want to go back to them or check them out later, they’re right there for you. It displays them with a small thumbnail, name, resistance, and also the recommended power settings. Unfortunately this app is only on available on android phones.

That’s our top five vaping apps for 2020! It’s never easy to make this list with so many exciting vaping apps out there to choose from. If you have a favorite vaping app that you love, then why not share it below? We’d love to hear from you and share your favorite vaping apps with other vapers.

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