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The FDA Takes a Second Look at Vaping and Covid-19

Despite its earlier claims that young people vaping could be spreading Covid-19, the FDA has clarified its stance on e-cigarette use and the risk of contracting Covid-19. The latest statement that the FDA released said, “E-cigarette use can expose the lungs to toxic chemicals, but whether those exposures increase the risk of Covid-19 is not known,” in an emailed response to a question from a news publication.

Over the last month, we have seen a lot of news statements being released about vapers being at increased risk of contracting Covid-19 and also being in increased danger if they do contract the virus.

Unfortunately for vapers, this isn’t the first time that incorrect information and assumptions have led to attacks on e-cigarettes. Only last year vaping e-cigarettes was incorrectly linked to another lung condition which was eventually traced to black market cannabis products.

These attacks on vaping and the latest claims about vaping and Covid-19 have been used by a large amount of anti-vaping groups to try and crackdown and eliminate vaping. This biased reporting and misleading amount of health statements have led some health authorities to get together and clarify the risks associated with vaping and Covid-19.

The Science Media Research Center released statements from public health experts to help reporters understand what we do know about smoking, vaping, and COVID-19. “There is no evidence that vaping increases the risk of infection or progression to severe conditions of COVID-19,” said Dr. Caitlin Notley. She also added that since switching from smoking to vaping improves cardiovascular and respiratory conditions, smokers who switch “might be expected to have a better prognosis if infected by COVID-19.

If you ever wanted a reason to make the switch from smoking traditional cigarettes to vaping, then it doesn’t get much better than that!

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