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The FDA’s unjustified Regulations on Vaping are Not Based on Facts

The intent of the Food and Drug Administration has been to manipulate the public to believe vaping regulations protect “The children”. They want the public to assume regulations are based on evidence and are in the best interest of public health.

If you’re not paying attention, you should be.

Vaping Regulations

According to Mitch Zeller (Director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products), regulations are reasonable and sensible and based concerns of youth becoming “addicted to nicotine”. It was also so they could make vaping products appear similar to smoking.

“We will make policy where the science takes us.” ~Mitch Zeller, Director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products

Vaping Saves lives

Killing a bill

Here is an outstanding example of how legislators in Montana had hearings to try to put vaping products into a clean air act. Those officials trying to get the bill passed seemed to present information to the “best of their knowledge”. Used to getting their way, fancy worlds like may, could, can or might – did not impress or persuade lawmakers.

The “defendants” were well prepared, and the officials were unprepared by responding to  questions with “something outside (my) expertise”, and “I don’t know.”

The way we fight unjustified legislation is with facts.

Balancing Budgets

One example of regulation is the “Senate Co-Sponsorship Memoranda” introduced by Senator Camera Bartolotta in Pennsylvania. It does mention Public Health England and Royal College of Physicians.

If it passes, the tax will to go from a proposed 40% wholesale tax to a 5-cents per milliliter retail tax on e-liquid. After checking with Chris Hughes, it may still be subject to state sales tax in addition to the per mil tax.

NO vaping product should be taxed as tobacco. Period. They should be subject to normal state or local sales tax like any other consumer product. Period.

How Wall Street Tobacco Deals Left States With Billions In Toxic Deb


Vaping is not a Tobacco product

There is no goal to benefit “public health”, only government health. It needs to be contested or justified properly, by the government.

“There is a legitimate role for tobacco regulations, but vaping is not a tobacco product.” ~ Congressman Tom Cole

The actual fact is that Smoking rates (youth and adults) have declined. Vaping is helping millions of people live healthier lives and should be treated as an aid to help quite smoking.

More Money, Not Tobacco

Declining revenue from lower cigarette sales is the driving force of vaping regulations. Health organizations are insisting on regulations while ignoring less harm. You might think you were no longer using tobacco, but with regulations as tobacco, people who switched to e-cigarettes are subject to higher health insurance premiums. Most officials calling for regulations do not want to reduce smoking, they want to maintain and increase their revenue.

The FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act of 2017.

“Nobody” (that’s me) as much as anyone (that should be you), is beyond pleased to see  Congressman Tom Cole (OK-04), along with Congressman Sanford Bishop (GA-02) introduce legislation to

“amend the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act to change the predicate date for newly “deemed” tobacco products, impose common-sense licensing and advertising guidelines for vapor products and direct the FDA to establish product standards for vapor product batteries.”

“There is a legitimate role the FDA plays for tobacco regulations, but e-cigarettes are not a tobacco product. ~Congressman Tom Cole

Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) Discusses the Cole-Bishop Amendment with Nicopure Labs

“Regulations should be based on evidence and the FDA doesn’t have the evidence to say that vaping is a harmful product.” ~ Congressman Tom Cole

Cole and Bishop Introduce The FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act of 2017

“The alternative to tobacco products is found in the vaping industry, and that’s good, not bad.” ~ Congressman Tom Cole

Hope for vapers: New bill could halt FDA e-cigarette prohibition

Pending here:


This fight isn’t over. We must educate our local Congressmen and Congresswomen. In doing so, they will understand “when tobacco use decreases, less smoking occurs”. If legislators and health officials aren’t focusing on less harm, they are part of the problem.

Public figures know better and haven’t stopped turning their heads away from science. This isn’t about convincing anyone, it is about showing the truth about vaping products. They want the public to be obedient. It’s about a much less harmful product convicted without a trial, and taxation without representation.

I will not comply. I’m not shutting up. A Billion Lives are at stake.